I dutifully went to the closet where said meter lives, and read him the numbers: 0-0-4-5 point 0.
Well, as is, apparently, often the case in Moscow, our meter is broken. It hasn't worked for at least as long as we've lived in the apartment (which is since December 2007).
When Man Friday came to repair our shower this week, he told me that he had put in a request to have the meter dealt with. Utility providers globally share certain characteristics (who among us has not cursed the Cable Guy?), and there would be a waiting period before they could get around to fixing my meter.
A waiting period of TWO YEARS.
Our utilities are included in the rent, so I don't particularly care what my electric bill runs. But doesn't the Electric Company? Are they getting paid anything at all? I suppose the apartment could be on some sort of Easy Monthly Payment Plan. But hasn't anyone noticed?
I suspect Man Friday had the answer when he laughed and said, "That's Moscow."
My flat is a SMALL two-levels. When I was asked to take my electric reading, I duly did...only to find there were two meters--one for each floor.
We say to these things (even four years later), "Welcome to Russia!"
Hey---why is only one post showing up at a time on your blog?
Yep Ian's meter was the same thing, broken for who knows how long, they did come and replace but of course he had to pay for it! and then they charged nominal amount since he moved in. They never seem to check for readings, you are just supposed to do it, sometimes every two or three months sometimes once a year? how do they survive?? THATS MOSCOW!! :)
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