Thursday, September 24, 2009

I Had a Dream

Two, count 'em, TWO friends have reported that I have appeared in their dreams this week.

My darling friend John had this dream:

I was sitting at a bar drinking cognac with some people I didn't know, and you walked in (with dark hair) with a few friends, and you were 'looking for the next whiskey bar' ala Jim Morrison and the Doors. I'm not sure what city we were in, but I left my wallet on the table and came back later to find that no one had stolen it. Anyway, no, I do not normally dream about alcohol, and I hate cognac anyway. It kind of cracked me up this morning thinking about it.

I don't care for cognac either. Or whiskey. And, I must confess, I had to google the song reference, since I've never been a big Doors fan. Although I thought Val Kilmer was pretty hot in the bio-pic. And I did visit Morrison's grave in Paris. That was my first trip to Paris, so maybe it was 1992 . . . Is Morrison even still buried there? But the point of that visit was to see Père Lachaise in general, and not Morrison specifically. I recall being more impressed to visit Gertrude Stein, actually.

Then my long-time girlfriend, Janet wrote this today:

Had a dream with you in it the other night.  We were flying to Russia with some guy who had a snake.  I kept saying that I really didn't want to go on the trip (it was a school trip), and was trying to get home.  Very strange.

Remember when people all over the US were having dreams about then-President Clinton? Are you dreaming about me, too? Because I don't want to be president.

Changing topics completely, I bought two pieces of jewelry in Columbus this summer (at a bead shop called Byzantium). One was a carved quartz Ganesh.

I liked so much of what was in the shop, but the problem was I either balked at the price or I wanted an entire collection of something. Then I saw Ganesh. I didn't know anything about him other than he's that Indian god with the elephant head, but I was strangely drawn to this piece. The woman behind the counter told me Ganesh is The Remover of Obstacles and the Patron of Letters. She said, "We're drawn to what we need." Maybe that was just clever marketing, but I had to have Ganesh. And I wear this necklace almost every day.

I bought this little bell at the same time:


It reminded me of Cat-O.

But the best part of this bell is the little clapper:

Can you see the little mouse? Isn't that a riot?

Although I simply HAD TO HAVE IT! I did not wear it until today. The incessant bell-ringing was awfully loud. I held the bell in my hand during most of my Metro commute today because I felt self-conscious and the Moscow Metro is, oddly, a quiet place. People don't talk, probably because the trains are too noisy for chit-chat. And all you hear in the hallways and on the escalators, other than public service announcements, seasonal songs, or ads, is the click-clack of high heels as everyone walks along to their train.

It would make a great cat bell, however, for an outdoor cat/bird killer. Wouldn't it?


valentina said...

Can't you silence the bell between your breasts? is lovely. And nope, no dreams of you this week but I do think I dreamed of you last week...can't remember what though...dreams are fleeting... Although sometimes the ambience hovers all day... As for Jimmy M, I think he is still in Pere laC and most likely will be forever.
I remember seeing Stein's grave with the little stones visitors had left on the top of it. There is a lot there for tourists, ie the 12th c lovers, Abelard and Heloise's gazebo which was built pretty nearly exclusively to attract tourists. Their remains had made a peripatetic journey and didn't wind up there until the early 19th century... So I expect that Morrison's will remain there perpetually! He would have been 66 now had he not died so young, about 29... I remember listening to his first album when I was 16 in my friend Nancy's bedroom. Whenever I hear Light my Fire it takes me right back there... Today is gray here and I am home grading papers.
Fall has truly arrived. SWAH (Stay well and happy.) xov

VC said...

Wonderful pieces of jewerly, some interesting dreams too. Lucky you!

Tina in CT said...

Very nice jewelry that you bought in Ohio.

My daughter is always telling me to be quiet in the metro. Come to think of it, the NY subway is quiet too. It's been so long since I've ridden the MTA in Boston that I don't remember how it is.

Marco North said...

what's MORE odd about the Moscow metro is nobody eats anything on the train. soooo different than NYC. well, i;ve seen plenty of people puking on the train though....

The Expatresse said...

V: alas, my breasts aren't what they used to be. And the chain I put the bell on is very long . . . The Girls don't droop that far. Yet.

Rabbit: My kids eat their sloiki on the Metro. And the other day we saw a guy sitting with a grocery bag on his lap. It was sort of open, and in it he had a big plastic container of cole slaw, which he was eating with a fork while he read a book. My oldest daughter looked at me and said, "Who eats salad on the Metro?"

mosaikmum said...

I love your Ganesh piece; what size is it? Mind where you wear it...I had a funny/humiliating experience when in Moscow during the summer. I often wear a small gold Buddha necklace. It has no 'spiritual' significance to me; I just like it/ its a piece of jewellery.
I was visiting one of the many orthodox churches as you do when in Russia. Head scarf insitu, minding my own business and next thing I am being scolded by a little old babushka - "why are you wearing this necklace?" "Aren't you a Christian?" "you should not be wearing this in the church" "you should be wearing a cross". I had no idea what she was saying - but I got the general idea by her hand actions and tone of voice. Our Russian friend calmed her down assuring her I was indeed a Christian but she was not at all happy with me! Needless to say I put my Buddha away for the duration of our holiday.

The Expatresse said...

Oooh, good point! Thanks.

The pendant is not quite as big as my thumb. So it's rather big, actually.

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